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A new series of videos for both patient/public education and practical clinical mentorship. This will provide up-to-date, actionable information for everyone from patients and athletes to coaches and healthcare providers. Click on the above YouTube link to subscribe and be on the lookout for fresh videos each week!


A weekly(ish) series of short videos tackling a wide range of subjects in the world of strength, science, health and fitness.​ Though the name and series have now been retired, the knowledge remains. Click the links below or just head over to my YouTube channel to check them out!

  1. ​Training When You're Sick, 6/25/17

  2. Artificial Sweeteners vs "Real" Sugar, 6/30/17

  3. Being an Educated Consumer of Science, 7/7/17

  4. The Importance of Sleep, 7/13/17

  5. Mental Health IS Physical Health, 7/20/17

  6. Protein, Bro! 7/27/17

  7. Stress and Fatigue, 8/6/17

  8. Periworkout Nutrition, 8/27/17

  9. NSAIDs Reduce Pain AND Gainz, 9/1/17

  10. Do You Know Squat? 9/8/17

  11. Mitigating Travel Effects, 9/21/17

  12. Supplement Basics, 10/5/17

  13. OSA - The Not So Silent Killer, 10/18/17

  14. Grip Strength, Hypertension, and Mortality, 11/2/17

  15. Movember and Men's Health, 11/20/17

  16. Deadlifts, Deadlifts, and More Deadlifts, 11/30/17

  17. Cheat Meals/Refeeds, 12/19/17

  18. Grog and Gainz, 12/26/17

  19. Happy New Year and SMART Goal Setting, 1/11/18

  20. So You're Hurt. What Next? 1/20/18

  21. Why You Need Joocy Glootz, 2/4/18

  22. Just Dead-Hanging Out, 2/18/18

  23. Caffeine's Effects on Performance vs Adaptation, 3/7/18

  24. Supplement Contamination and Safety, 4/24/18

  25. Tainted Supplement Red Flags, 4/30/18

  26. The MOST Important Movements for Strength and Health, 5/21/18

  27. Beltless Training is NOT Core Training, 6/21/18

  28. Staying In Your Lane, 9/17/18

  29. When Optimization is Not Optimal, 10/9/18

  30. Overdiagnostics, 10/30/18

  31. Meditation For Your Muscles, 11/18/18

  32. Elbow Pain - Symptom or Diagnosis? 12/6/18

  33. The Healing Mindset, 1/3/19

  34. Discipline Vs. Motivation, 1/16/19

  35. It's Time to Fry RICE, 2/4/19

  36. Getting Salty - Sodium in Athletes, 3/1/19

  37. No, You're Not In Starvation Mode, 3/26/19

  38. Stop Overcomplicating EVERYTHING! 6/11/19

  39. Hypertension and Heavy Lifting, 6/17/19

  40. Eat Your Vegetables! (Just Like Popeye), 8/22/19

  41. Stop Doing Shrugs! 9/9/19

  42. When it Comes to Discipline, Flexibility Beats Perfection, 12/2/19

  43. Is Stretching Really Worth It? 2/6/20

  44. Common Sense About COVID-19, 3/11/20

  45. COVID-19 Vaccine Mythbusting, 1/20/21


Aches and pains? Click on your injury below for videos of basic home exercise and rehabilitative movements to improve your stability, mobility and pain...but please don't self diagnose. It's almost like there's a whole profession of people out there who can help you with that. (Red indicates video still in production)

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