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Motion is Lotion: Treating Pain With Corrective Movements

As we all know from basic physics, "an object in motion will stay in motion." The joints of the human body are no different. Injured tissue needs mobilization for proper bloodflow, and the production of synovial fluid is directly affected by the motions a joint goes through. The days of "RICE" (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) as the primary treatment modality for musculoskeletal issues are over. Even in the setting of most acute injuries, early mobilization and rehabilitation of the tissue has repeatedly shown to produce better outcomes than outdated methods of passive recovery. Do these treatments still have their place? Absolutely! But only in conjunction with movement. The key, however, is using proper movement patterns and effective rehabilitative protocols and not just flailing about on a foam roller until you've dulled the sensation enough to move on to your actual training. Unfortunately, there is far more misinformation all over the internet than there are evidence-based rehab practices. With any luck, I can help shift the balance in a positive direction. If you follow the link below, you'll see a series of basic home corrective exercises based off of validated rehab protocols with a sprinkle of the strength athlete's mindset on top. After all, that's what Meathead Medicine is all about! As always, make sure to see a musculoskeletal healthcare professional to get an accurate diagnosis beforehand, but give these movements a try to treat your myriad of musculoskeletal issues. You don't even need a fancy gym. So get off your couch, throw the frozen peas back in the freezer, and get to work!

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